Cilex:一个轻量级的框架创建PHP CLI脚本

网友投稿 816 2022-10-28

Cilex:一个轻量级的框架创建PHP CLI脚本

Cilex:一个轻量级的框架创建PHP CLI脚本

Cilex, a simple Command Line Interface framework

Cilex is a simple command line application framework to develop simple tools based on Symfony2 components:

command(new \Cilex\Command\GreetCommand());$app->command('foo', function ($input, $output) { $output->writeln('Example output');});$app->run();

Cilex works with PHP 5.5.9 or later and is heavily inspired by the Silex web micro-framework by Fabien Potencier.


git clone this repository.Download composer: curl -s | phpInstall Cilex' dependencies: php composer.phar install


Create your new commands in src/Cilex/Command/Add your new commands to bin/run.phpRun the commands as:

./bin/run.php demo:greet world./bin/run.php demo:greet world -y./bin/run.php demo:greet world --yell./bin/run.php demo:info

Creating a PHAR

Download and install box:

curl -LSs | phpchmod +x box.pharmv box.phar /usr/local/bin/box

Update the project phar config in box.jsonCreate the package:

box build

Run the commands:

./cilex.phar demo:greet world./cilex.phar demo:greet world -y./cilex.phar demo:greet world --yell./cilex.phar demo:info

enjoy a lot.


Cilex is licensed under the MIT license.


Q: How do I pass configuration into the application?

A: You can do this by adding the following line, where $configPath is the path to the configuration file you want to use:

$app->register(new \Cilex\Provider\ConfigServiceProvider(), array('config.path' => $configPath));

The formats currently supported are: YAML, XML and JSON

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