apps-for-android- Android示例程序

网友投稿 602 2022-10-14

apps-for-android- Android示例程序

apps-for-android- Android示例程序

这是一组很有用的开源的 Android 示例程序,用于演示 Android 平台的各种特性:

Amazed : A simple but addictive accelerometer-based marble-guidance game. AndroidGlobalTime : a full representation of the Earth that you can spin around. AnyCut : A utility that lets users create Home screen shortcuts to nearly anything in the system. Clickin2DaBeat : A game that mashes up YouTube with custom rhythm-game logic. DivideAndConquer : a game in which you must isolate bouncing balls by creating walls around them. HeightMapProfiler : A simple 3D performance testing tool that renders a 3D height map. LOLcat Builder : O HAI. I CN HAS CHEEZBURGER?! IM N UR PHONE, CAPTIONIN UR PHOTOS. Panoramio : An app that shows you nearby photos and points of interest. Photostream : An app that lets you view photostreams from online photo-hosting services. Radar : A radar-style relative location display view, used by Panoramio and others. RingsExtended : A utility that provides enhanced control over ringtones. Samples : Miscellaneous examples showing features of the Android platform (among which OpenGL ES). SpriteMethodTest : An application that compares the speed of various 2D sprite drawing methods. Translate : Translates more than 150 language pairs with Google’s translation service. WebViewDemo : How Java and JavaScript can call each other inside a WebView. WikiNotes : A wiki note pad that uses intents to navigate to wiki words and other rich content stored in the notes.

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