Ngui 一个GUI的排版显示引擎和跨平台的GUI应用程序开发框架(ngui点击必须挂碰撞盒吗)

网友投稿 495 2022-10-12

Ngui 一个GUI的排版显示引擎和跨平台的GUI应用程序开发框架(ngui点击必须挂碰撞盒吗)


Ngui is a cross-platform (Android/iOS) front-end development framework. The core code is written in C++. The bottom layer is based on OpenGL drawing. The upper layer implements a streamlined typesetting engine and a js/JSX running environment. The goal is to develop GUI applications on this basis, which can take both development speed and operation efficiency into account.

Only iOS and Android systems are supported for the time being, this does not include AndroidTV, because TV applications are very different from mobile applications From here, Go API Index can go to API Documents Index

Build and install nxp

Build must dependent Xcode / JDK1.7 / Android-SDK-23 / NDK / python / nodejs / yasm. Setting environment variable JAVA_HOME and ANDROID_HOME

Compile and install nxp make install, It takes a long time.

use nxp tools create project.

first create an empty file directory, then execute in the directory

nxp init

export ios xcode project nxp export ios

Simple Examples

This is a simple program to display Hello world on the screen

import { GUIApplication, Root } from 'ngui'new GUIApplication().start( hello world!)

You can get a more detailed Examples

Start Usage

If you've never used ngui before, you can start from here and build your ngui program step by step.

Install nxp

First, you need to install the toolkit provided by nxp

Install nxp using nodejs npm Open Terminal and execute the following command:

# shell$ sudo npm install -g nxp

Running nxp requires dependency on nodejs and python2.7 And now do not support the windows system, you need to use it under mac

Create new project

Create a new nxp project using the following shell command:

# shell$ mkdir myproject$ cd myproject$ nxp init

Build project

This step compresses and packages the JavaScript code and resource files inside the project, If this is a new project, you can skip this step and go directly to the next step

# shell$ nxp build

Export project

This step exports Xcode or Android Studio project,because you eventually publish the program that be a .apk or .ipa

# shell# export xcode ios project$ nxp export ios# export android studio project$ nxp export android

After exporting the project, next you can open it using Xcode and Android Studio

nxp test http server

nxp provides a test http server, each time you change the js or jsx code, you don't have to reinstall every time.

Execute the following code to start it:

# shell$ nxp


Examples demo Android APK Install package Project Source code from Github

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